Who We Are

CCWCD, formed by the voters of Park County, is a C.R.S. 37-45-101 water conservancy district. Funded by a 1-mil property tax collected by the Park County treasurer with annual property tax bills, CCWCD operates with tax revenue of 1 mill levy.

CCWCD is managed by a board of five directors, appointed by the Park County District Court. Read about our Staff and Board. We are proud of what CCWCD has accomplished to date. In fact, we have successfully fought many legal battles to keep Park County water in Park County.

The District is dedicated to the following: 1) finding existing water rights with senior priority in the County, 2) buying those rights, 3) finding and building appropriate storage sites for the water, 4) going to Court to adjudicate those water rights for residential, domestic, commercial and industrial uses and 5) providing augmentation water to bring out-of-compliance subdivisions, businesses, public institutions and households into compliance with Colorado water law and regulations.

The strategy of CCWCD and Our Partners focus on providing a blanket augmentation plan to the County. Plans for augmentation allow diversions of water out-of-priority while ensuring the protection of senior water rights. Decreed water rights receive a replacement water supply that offsets the out-of-priority depletions. Replacement water can come from any legally available source of water.

CCWCD, along with its partner, the Upper South Platte Water conservancy District USPWCD, has a successful blanket augmentation plan in place for all property owners in the South Platte River part of the County and an augmentation plan for part of the County in the Arkansas River Basin.

Property owners can buy a share of augmentation water from our business enterprise, Headwater Authority of the South Platte HASP, on a pre-adjudicated basis and, thus, do not have to go to water court on their own to adjudicate the water use. (Legal costs incurred for a change of water use run about $30,000-$50,000 per acre foot.) All water is sold via our business enterprise, Headwater Authority of the South Platte (HASP). Please visit the website for HASP for all information for purchasing augmentation water.

Please take a moment to read about Our Accomplishments.

Our Meetings

Join us for our monthly meetings! 2nd Wednesday of every month at 1:oo pm Mountain Time!

The Center of Colorado Water Conservancy District (CCWCD) has reserved the main conference room at 548 Front Street, Fairplay, CO for its monthly meetings.